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Using donations and endowments, the Friends purchases collections, funds conservation work, implements public programming and sponsors staff education and professional development.
The Friends of the Archives (FOA) supports the State Archives of North Carolina (SANC) and its efforts to promote equity in its access and collections process.
Racial discrimination must be eliminated through more careful archival practices such as conscious description, more visible promotion of materials related to the lives of the enslaved, and building a more inclusive community. We will work with the State Archives to create a more inclusive documentary heritage that’s reflective of all North Carolinians.
The Friends of the Archives contributes to the collecting efforts of the State Archives by funding the select acquisition of collections that would otherwise be unable to be acquired by the State Archives as a government agency. The Friends have funded culturally-significant collections which have enhanced and complemented the State Archives holdings to benefit the research options for the public.
FOA donations support the State Archives of North Carolina in several ways: preservation and conservation of our documents; purchase of photos and documents to add to Special Collections; and paid internships which allow the next generation archivists to have hands on experience.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Darin Waters
Pamela B. Cashwell
Troy Kickler
Joshua Hager
Danielle Shirilla
Clark Adams
Rich Carney
Sarah Carrier
Andrew Denson
David McCorkle
Cheryl Williams
Nicholle Young St. Leone
Victoria Young
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